Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Chapter 3 Summary

                 Chapter 3 Summary
By Cedric
  Jack trys to track down a pig, but failed. He went back to the seashore and found Ralph and Simon building up shelters for the "littluns" to live in. Ralph complained about doing all the work by himself and Jack not catching one pig. Although Jack claims that they will catch one soon, Ralph protested that his hunters use hunting for excuses to excape from works. He questioned Jack if he noticed that the littluns are having nightmares and hard to get to sleep. Ralph pointed out that all the people are all excited about discussing, but not willing to fullfil the plans. Ralph thinks that Jack is just the same like the others, not willing to work, none of the other boys besides Simon will help him.They went swimming together in the lagoon, trying to be united, but failed. Simon went walking by himself, he helped the littluns reach the fruits that they can't. He found a beautiful jungle full with flowers and birds. He checked if he is alone, and sits down to enjoy the view.
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~Desperate kids on island~ said...

The summary should include some of your own thoughts on the chapter instead of just a summary. >chief, Nick<

~Desperate kids on island~ said...

Good summary~~ almost include all the importent events in this chapter.Maybe you can add some details about the huts they made,like how many they made so far,how do they look like. And just like our chief said, you can include some your own personal opinion about the characters.