Thursday, April 19, 2007

Connection in Chapter 3

By Cedric ^o^

In my daily life, teamwork has always been important to me. In this chapter, Ralph thinks Jack is out playing and not helping to make shelters. I think this has always been an obvious situation between group members. However, Ralph and Jack didn't find a solution between them. Working individually has always been my style, because I usually can't trust the others with the work. Sometimes there are usually one or two people in the group that don't give efforts in doing the works. This not only made the resault of the work less complete, but also can make the others work more. Example: If the members in our group work more organize, we will have a better project. (Just kidding ^~^)

1 comment:

~Desperate kids on island~ said...

This is also what I thought about when I finish reading this chapter.Try to trust your group members!!Credric ^@^ Here are some of my advices,every group member is good at different things,maybe you can find some jobs that are suit them. In this way, your project can be completed much better.