Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Chapter 7 Summary

       Chapter 7 is talking about the journey hunting down the beast. While the boys stop to eat as they are on their journey, Ralph gazed at the ocean and found out that it is impossible for them to be rescued, and how the other boys are becoming barbarians. Simon came and gives Ralph the spirit that they will be able to get home. Later on, Jack decides to hunt pigs while they are on their way to hunt down the beast. The other boys agreed and tracked down a large boar. Ralph, who has never been in hunting, quickly caught up with the atmosphere. Although Ralph didn't catch the boar, he was excited about his battle achievement on hurting the boar with his spear. The boys went madness, and decide to reenact the hunting. In the meantime, the boys nearly killed the boy who played the boar. Robert, who played the part, suggests them to use a real boar instead of him. Jack came out with the idea of using littluns to play the boar. Ralph tries to remind everyone that it is just a game. Simon went back to tell Piggy and the littluns that they will not return until that night. When it gets dark, Ralph suggested that they should start in the morning, because it is harder to hunt at night. But Jack dares Ralph if he has the courage to climb up the mountain with him and hunt down the beast. In order to remain his role as a chief, he agrees. As Ralph, Jack, and Roger climb up the mountain, Jack went up alone to check first. Jack returns and was terrified by what he saw above, Ralph and Roger went up and saw the horrible beast which looks like a giant ape, the boys ran down for help.          
^_^ By Cedric
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1 comment:

~Desperate kids on island~ said...

The summary is detailed and include all waht happened in this chapter>.< GOOD~ but it's a little bit long ~~