Monday, April 30, 2007

Chapter 8 summary

In chapter 8 the group of boys led by Ralph break into two, one of the groups is led by Jack and one led by Ralph. At the start of the chapter Ralph makes fun of Jacks hunters and then Jack calls a meeting and declares he doesn't want Ralph to be chief. None of the boys agree with him so he goes off by himself, as the day goes on boys from Ralph's group go to join Jack. After other boys join Jack they go hunting, kill a pig, and stick its head on a stake. Simon who is hidin near by and watches them hallucinates and goes a little crazy when he sees the pigs head, he thinks it talks to him until he eventually falls unconcious. When he wakes up he finds the 'beastie' and finds out it is a dead pilot, then Simon goes to find the others.
Jacks group and Ralph's are very different from each other, Ralph's group establishes another fire and tries to get rescued while Jack's group hunts and has 'fun.' One of the thing that creates conflict between the groups and what I think will eventually lead to violence is that Jack's group needs fire and the only way to get it is to steal it from Ralphs group. >Nick<

Sunday, April 29, 2007

movie V.S. book

I want to compare the portion of Ralph found there's a ship pass by but the signal fire is run out.
In the book, it happens in chapter4 and it's a ship goes by, but in the movie, there's a plane goes by. It's not a big problem, but I still think the book's description is much more effective than the movie. In the movie, it just happened in few minutes and there are not many description of Ralph's psychological thoughts of how anxious and sad he is. It's maybe the only chance for them to get rid of this island, but at the timing, the signal fire is run out, they missed this chance. Ralph is so mad at Jack when he saw Jack and his choir hunting back with a pig. Though Jack aplologized, he still didn't realize how seriously the mistake he made is. In the movie, Jack just apologizes and than skip to he bullys Piggys, it doesn't show much about the confrontion between Jack and Ralph. So for this portion, I prefer the book.


"a knot of boys,making a great noise that he had not noticed,were heaving and pushing at a rock.As he turned, the base cracked and the whole mass toppled into the sea so that a thunderous plume of spray leapt half-way up the cliff."

This passage shows that as time goes on, the boys begin to forget their main task of exploding the monster and be rescued. They are too fond of play. They are still a group of kids and not mature enough to control themselves and do things in order.That's maybe the foreshadow of the tragedy happens at the end of the book.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

chapter4--Important quotes

Important quotes in chapter 4

"Now though, there was no parent to let fall a heavy hand, Maurice still felt the unease of wrong doing," "here invisible yet strong, was the taboo of the old life." These quots are important because they tell us that the boys still remember there old life and feel guilty when they do stuff that wasn't allowed.
Connections in chapter 4

On pages 75 and 76 Jack bully's Piggy like a bully at school. At school, bully's generally pick on the weakest or smallest kid, Jack does this in the book. When Jack got into trouble for letting out the fire on page 76, he used Piggy as a scapegoat for his anger which is what bully's at school do. >Nick<

CHAPTER6 connection

At the beginning of this chapter,we were told that as the boys sleep,military airplanes battle fiercely above the island.During the battle,a parachutist drifts down from the sky onto the island,dead.The air battle and dead parachutist remind us of the larger setting of LORD OF THE FLIES:though the boys lead an isolated life on the island,we know that a bloody war is being waged elsewhere in the world--a war that apparently is a terrible holocaust.

This remind me that though we are living a happy and peaceful life,there are still many commotions and terrors in many other places all over the world.Just as the Virginia shooting which happened a week ago. When we were having our classes safe at school, 32students were killed in Virginia which is not far away from here. When we are eating delicious food, thousands of poor children may suffering from the starvation.One of the Chinese maxim said:''think os danger in times of peace."

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Chapter 7 Summary

       Chapter 7 is talking about the journey hunting down the beast. While the boys stop to eat as they are on their journey, Ralph gazed at the ocean and found out that it is impossible for them to be rescued, and how the other boys are becoming barbarians. Simon came and gives Ralph the spirit that they will be able to get home. Later on, Jack decides to hunt pigs while they are on their way to hunt down the beast. The other boys agreed and tracked down a large boar. Ralph, who has never been in hunting, quickly caught up with the atmosphere. Although Ralph didn't catch the boar, he was excited about his battle achievement on hurting the boar with his spear. The boys went madness, and decide to reenact the hunting. In the meantime, the boys nearly killed the boy who played the boar. Robert, who played the part, suggests them to use a real boar instead of him. Jack came out with the idea of using littluns to play the boar. Ralph tries to remind everyone that it is just a game. Simon went back to tell Piggy and the littluns that they will not return until that night. When it gets dark, Ralph suggested that they should start in the morning, because it is harder to hunt at night. But Jack dares Ralph if he has the courage to climb up the mountain with him and hunt down the beast. In order to remain his role as a chief, he agrees. As Ralph, Jack, and Roger climb up the mountain, Jack went up alone to check first. Jack returns and was terrified by what he saw above, Ralph and Roger went up and saw the horrible beast which looks like a giant ape, the boys ran down for help.          
^_^ By Cedric
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Monday, April 23, 2007

Chiefs tool

The Conch

In the first few chapters Ralph uses the conch to call the boys from were they are to speak to them. The first rule made about the conch was whoever held it was the only one who could speak with an exception of Ralph, for example “I’ll give the conch to the next person to speak,” pg.31, “and he won’t be interrupted except by me,” pg.31 all of the boys agreed with this. Later on in the book a new rule is made that states that were ever the conch is, there can be a meeting (“were the conch is, that’s a meeting” pg.42), the boys were fine with this. Later on all the boys except for Jack have gotten use to the conch’s rules, Jack starts to reject the rules of the conch and tell everyone that they do not need it, “conch, conch shouted Jack, we don’t need the conch any more.” >Nick<


On page 19 when they voted Ralph to be chief.It shows that though they are out of England they stick to what they had back in society like democratie and roles and sutff like that.

by:Jeenystha J


In chapter6, we found that as the boys sleep,there's a sign came down from the world of grown-ups.But no one notice it because the twins Samneric,who were supposed to watch the signal fire,have fallen asleep.During the military airplanes battle,a parachutist drifts down from the sky onto the island,dead.The figure slid up the mountain.His head seems to rise and fall as the wind blows. When Sam and Eric wake up, they tend to the fire to make the flames brighter. They see the twisted form of the dead parachutist and mistake the shadowy image for the figure of the dreaded beast.They rush back to the camp,wake Ralph.Ralph immediately calls for a meeting.The boys,electrified and horrified by the twins' claim, organize an expedition to search the island for monsters.They set out with wooden spears and only left Piggy and the littluns remain behind.The boys reach a part of the island that none of them has ever explored before.Everyone scared, Ralph goes first because he is the leader.Jack comes behind.They found nothing in the cave while the boys begin to play games,bushing rocks to sea,and many of them lose sight of the purpose of their expedition.Ralph angrily reminds them about the signal fire. But the other boys seem not saticified with his order.


Chapter3~Important and Interesting Passage

"Ralph-I'll split up the choir-my hunters, that is-into groups, and we'll be responsible for keeping thr fire going-, This generosity brought a spatter of applause from the boys, "

This passage gives the forshadowing of Jack trying to win the crowd's heart. I think this is a very interseting place, because the desire of being a leader or celeberity. The image is quite funny, the way Jack is trying to obey Ralph but also getting the position of controlling.

By Cedric ^_^

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Chapter2----Important and Interesting Passage

Piggy lost his temper.
"I got the conch! Just you listen! The first thing we ought to have made was shelters down there by the beach. It wasn't half cold down there in the night. But the first time Ralph says "fire" you goes howling and screaming up this here mountain. Like a pack of kids!"

From this passage, we can see Piggy's scientific and intellectual aspects of civilization. He has good logical and intelligent.Although Piggy has a great deal to offer the boys' fledgling civilization, they see him as a whiny weakling and therefore despise him and refuse to listen to him, even when his ideas are good. But at last, they still have to do what Piggy suggested before ,like light a signal fire, and they also begin to make huts in chapter3. That are things which Piggy suggested at the beginning, but the boys all ignore him. Only when Ralph , Jack or someone else mentions, they begin to think about it and do it.


CHAPTER 2 connection

In this chapter, the most deep impression to me is Ralph declears that, at meetings, the conch shell will be used to determine which boy has the right to speak. This shows the boys realize that they have to act with order and forethought if wish to be rescued.

This remained me about my school life, like we have to hands up before we answer the questions or say anthing else. I totally realize that how much important it is to act with order.
Once, I was in elementary school, teacher wanted me to collect the ideas about where are we going to on the field trip. Everyone discussed and talked, because this was not in the class, so no one handed up to get the right to speak. They just said whatever they wanted to say, and the classroom was noisy, some students even began to shout. Finally, we still couldn't get any decision and the class was in a mess. That made me know how important it is to act with order.
So in this point, I appreciate Ralph and think he is a good leader.

&@& --------by Queenie

Chapter 4 summary

Chapter 4 Summary

The boys are getting used to living on the island; there are two group, the littluns and the biguns. The littluns are the smaller kids around 6 and the biguns are all of the big kids around 10 and higher. In this chapter there is foreshadowing of how Jack will act in the rest of the book, Jack paints his face and makes a barbaric chant about killing pigs, and starts to act like a savage. Another important event in this chapter is that Jack goes hunting for pigs and takes the boys who are watching the fire on top of the mountain with him, but while he is out hunting the fire goes out and a ship comes near the island and leaves. I think this event symbolises that Jack has given up on any rescue and is focusing more on surviving on the island by reverting to his ancestory.

By: Nick Henderson

Connection in Chapter 3

By Cedric ^o^

In my daily life, teamwork has always been important to me. In this chapter, Ralph thinks Jack is out playing and not helping to make shelters. I think this has always been an obvious situation between group members. However, Ralph and Jack didn't find a solution between them. Working individually has always been my style, because I usually can't trust the others with the work. Sometimes there are usually one or two people in the group that don't give efforts in doing the works. This not only made the resault of the work less complete, but also can make the others work more. Example: If the members in our group work more organize, we will have a better project. (Just kidding ^~^)

CHAPTER1 summary

In this chapter we discover that a airplane crash in the water close to an island. It crashed while transporting boys to a safe place during the war. Few boys survive. At first you meet Piggy (the fatty) and Ralph
(the athlete). Together they discover a conch and ralph use it to call the other kids that scattered on the island
.As the boys come, Piggy memorize their name.
There's this guy called Jack that is really bossy and that have his own choir. Jack and Ralph both want to be leader of the boys, it ended up by ralph being elected. They start to exclude Piggy, they mock him alot and don't let him talk. Piggy is asthmatic and wears glasses. Jack,Simon, and Ralph goes off in the forest to search for food and while walking they disscovered that they were the only ones on the island. They discovered that there's pigs but Jack is unable to kill . We find out later in this chapter that Ralph and Piggy are two different people piggy is in the lower class but smart,he's an orphan and live with his aunt. Ralph,on the other hand, is rich and have a dad that's in the navy he is sure that his dad will come and rescue them from this island. We know now that Jack doesn't really care about others but he develpped compassion for Ralph.

by: Jeenystha Jean

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

CHAPTER2 summary

When the explorers return, the boys get into another meeting on the beach. Ralph tells the group that there are no adults on the island and that they need to organize a few things to look after themselves. Ralph declares that whoever holds the conch shell will speak, and the others will listen silently until they receive the shell in their turn. A small boy with a mulberry-colored mark on his face says that he saw a snakelike “beastie” the night before. The older boys say that the little boy’s vision was only a nightmare. Ralph proposes that the group build a large signal fire on the top of the mountain in order to be rescued. Others agree and use Piggy’s specs to light the fire. Piggy angrily declares that the boys need to act more proficiently if they want to get off the island, but his word carry little weight. Finally, he finds that the little boy with mulberry-colored on his face is missing.

Chapter 3 Summary

                 Chapter 3 Summary
By Cedric
  Jack trys to track down a pig, but failed. He went back to the seashore and found Ralph and Simon building up shelters for the "littluns" to live in. Ralph complained about doing all the work by himself and Jack not catching one pig. Although Jack claims that they will catch one soon, Ralph protested that his hunters use hunting for excuses to excape from works. He questioned Jack if he noticed that the littluns are having nightmares and hard to get to sleep. Ralph pointed out that all the people are all excited about discussing, but not willing to fullfil the plans. Ralph thinks that Jack is just the same like the others, not willing to work, none of the other boys besides Simon will help him.They went swimming together in the lagoon, trying to be united, but failed. Simon went walking by himself, he helped the littluns reach the fruits that they can't. He found a beautiful jungle full with flowers and birds. He checked if he is alone, and sits down to enjoy the view.
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